Mexico Edition.


A senator from a center-left party in Mexico says there is no cause to celebrate elections in the state of Guerrero, because all sides have failed: the Attorney General has not presented a credible investigation into the case of the 43 missing students, and the substitute governor has not attended the demands of protesters, and the political parties have not avoided having members of organized crime appointed to government offices. Also in this edition, a specialist in hydrocarbons comments on the reasons for the fall in the price of oil and the impact on the industry in Mexico. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this edition from Mexico City.

Guests: Armando Ríos Piter, Senator from the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD), for the State of Guerrero, Mexico City; Francisco Garaicochea Petrirena, Engineer and President of Grupo Pemex Constitución de 1917, Mexico City.

Photo: Sapdiel Gómez Gutiérrez/Flickr

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