Mexico Edition.


Activists and parents of the missing teacher’s college students say the Mexican government is preparing large-scale repression against them, because intelligence agencies are following them and trying to tie them to criminal groups. The family members, who reject the official version put out by the government, that their children were killed and burned to ashes by criminals, demand that the government investigate the 27th Military Batallion and elements of the federal police. At the same time, General Francisco Gallardo, formerly imprisoned because of his critiques of the military structure, states that Mexican Armed Forces have copious reports of human rights violations. Martha Elena Ramirez hosts this edition from Mexico City.

Guests: Vidulfo Rosales Sierra, Attorney, Centro de Derechos Humanos Tlachinollan, Tlapa, Guerrero; Felipe de la Cruz, spokesperson of the parents of the 43 missing students; and General Francisco Gallardo Rodríguez, Mexico City.

Photo: Sapdiel Gómez Gutiérrez/Flickr

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