Mexico Edition.

friday_673x324According to information filtered to journalist José Antonio Rivera, some of the missing teacher’s college students are in the mountains of the Eastern Sierra Madre, in an impenetrable area controlled by paramilitary groups. According to the reporter’s sources, the students are working as slaves, refining opium gum, after having worked in the Carrizalillo gold mine. In an interview, the AP correspondent in Guerrero also talks about the existence of more than 70 armed insurgent organizations in the country and dangerous conditions in more than half the municipalities in the state of Guerrero. This program also includes an interview with the brother of Chilean Laurence Maxwell. From outside the high-security prison in Veracruz, he tells how his brother was detained while participating in the protest on November 20th, and later accused of spurious charges.

Guests: José Antonio Rivera, reporter and AP correspondent, Acapulco, Guerrero; Denis Maxwell, Chilean national, activist in international campaign for freedom of his brother Laurence, Perote, Veracruz.

Photo: boerries nehe/flickr

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