Mexico Edition.

friday2_673x324The lack of credibility on the investigation pertaining to the 43 missing students has led to the rejection of the Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto. Three caravans of students arrived at Mexico City demanding the alive return of their fellow mates and pointing out that is not only the 43 that are missing, but thousands more have disappeared and thousands more are without justice. In the 104th anniversary of the Mexican Revolution, homemakers, students, day laborers and distraught citizens from all walks of life gathered at the main plaza of the country. Government officials warned the people that they will use force to stop violence, while the protesters talk during the march about civility, justice, a change of government and to hold a national civic strike on December 1st and take the city. This edition is broadcast from Mexico City and hosted by Martha Elena Ramirez.

Guests: (Pre-recorded Audio) Distraught Citizens; Relatives of Missing People: Parents of the Missing Students; Students Leaders; Mexican Citizens living in the U.S.

Photo: @talladeboina36/Mas de 131

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