Mexico Edition.

friday_673x324Following the official statement on the case of the 43 missing students from Ayotzinapa, which details how they were burned; the parents of these students have broken apart from the federal government. Meanwhile, student associations protest in the Zocalo in Mexico City and call on people to participate in a national strike on November 20th. Today, after the confirmation of such horrific events in which it clearly states that it was the local police who, kidnapped and executed the students, society is left with many questions, like: how many politicians such us in the case of the former mayor and his wife, are linked to the organized crime? And how can the Mexican people cast aside this type of politicians? These and other thoughts are commented with a prominent human rights advocate from the Guerrero Mountains. This edition is broadcast from Mexico City and hosted by Martha Elena Ramirez.

Guest: (Pre-recorded Audio) Anthropologist, Abel Barrera, Director of Centro de Derechos Humanos de la Montaña, Tlachinollan, Tlapa, Guerrero.

Photo: Desinformémonos/Facebook

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