Mexico Edition


Angel Aguirre Rivero resigns as governor of the state of Guerrero, a position obtained when he was nominated by the Democratic Revolution Party (PRD), a center-left. The resignation comes in the middle of a social unrest due to the disappearance of 43 students at the hands of local police. Activists have demanded Aguirre Rivero’s withdrawal as well as the resignation of the Mexican President, Peña Nieto. In the state of Guerrero 18 city hall offices are occupied and students have gone into radio and television stations to manifest themselves in public. But before, a multitudinous demonstration takes place in the town square in Mexico City, parents of the missing students and their supporters voiced their repudiation of the government. This edition is broadcast from Mexico City and hosted by Martha Elena Ramirez.

Guests: (Pre-recorded Audios) Testimonies: Parents of the 43 Missing Students and the Regional Coordination of Community Authorities and Community Police (CRAC-PC); Organization Hijos-México; Zapatista Army of National Liberation (EZLN) and from the Communist Party.

Photo: Alfonso Flores/Masde131

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