Mexico Edition.


Just like the administration of Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto created a presidential committee to compensate the victims of water contamination from the rivers Bacanuchi and Sonora with the purpose of avoiding the termination of the concession to the mining company Buenavista del Cobre, now the Secretariat of the Interior announced that the complaints about Sonora’s Governor Guillermo Padres accused of illegally building a water dam, will be handle as a “private matter” to avoid a turmoil between the current government and the opponent political party PAN. At the same time, miner tycoon, German Larrea Mota Velasco, will compete to try to obtain one of the two national television networks that are up for bid. This edition is broadcast from Mexico City and hosted by Martha Elena Ramirez.

Guests: (Pre-recorded Audios) Miguel Angel Osorio Chong, Mexican Secretariat of the Interior; Joaquin Lopez Doriga, Journalist; Jorge Fernandez Souza, Magistrate; Sergio Olhovich, Filmmaker, Mexico City.

Collection to fund movie: “1938 el petróleo que fue nuestro”

Bank deposits to HSBC, account number to 4043422658, under the name of Cuarto Meguante, A.C.

Photo: MorasFurthur via Mas de 131

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