Mexico Edition.


Four years have passed since the massacre of 72 migrants in the Mexican state of Tamaulipas. Relatives of those victims in El Salvador demand for the governments involved to help stop the migration. Some of the pointed factors for the migration of people are the lack of employment in their countries, the persecution and violence they endure while crossing the border and border control policies which endanger the lives of the undocumented. Furthermore, activists begin a campaign asking for the freedom of Nestora Salgado, ex-police chief in the town of Olinalá, in the state of Guerrero. A year has passed and Salgado is still been held in a high security prison in Tepic, Nayarit. Although she was exonerated of all charges, she remains incarcerated.

Guests: Anita Guadalupe Celaya, Legal Representative and Secretary of Comité de Familiares de Migrantes Fallecidos y Desaparecidos de El Salvador, El Salvador; (Recordings): Martha Lamas, Anthropologist, Feminist; Gloria Muñoz Ramírez, Journalist and Director of Web for Desinformémonos; Mexican President, Enrique Peña Nieto; Ciro Gómez and Denise Maerker, Journalists, Mexico City.

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