Mexico Edition.


With the votes of political parties (PRI, PAN and PVE) in favor, the regulatory laws which will open the electric and oil industry to foreign companies are set in place. According to specialists, the entrepreneurs in the electric sector will be called “supportive” and their earnings will be guaranteed. Meanwhile, in the oil production (natural gas included) the expropriation of communal land will be allowed; there will be no limit on the number of authorization permits or contracts that are granted and in addition an oil fund will be created, which will be managed by the Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit. Also, the gasoline and natural gas prices will not be reduced and Pemex (Mexican Petroleums) will share geological information with foreign consortiums. On the other hand, it’s been a month since the situation of Central American children overcrowding immigration detention centers in USA was known; Central American governments as well as the USA believe deportation it’s the only solution. This edition is broadcast from Mexico City and hosted by Martha Elena Ramirez.

Guests: Francisco Javier Carrillo Soberon, Arquitectural and Member, Coodinación Nacional del Comité Nacional de la Energía, Mexico, DF; Alejandro Solalinde Guerra, Priest and Director, Albergue Hermanos en el Camino, Oaxaca, Mexico (audio).


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