Mexico Edition.


The exodus of migrant children has polarized the feelings of the society in the United States. While a group of armed civilians has called to patrol the southern border to stop the arrival of undocumented migrants, pro-immigrant organizations have filed a lawsuit against the federal government for expediting the deportation process of the detained minors and to guarantee they will have free legal assistance. On the other hand, Mexican Senator Ana Gabriela Guevara says in this program that Mexico and other Central American governments have agreed to expand their consular network, increase work and tourists visas and improve the immigration control system to know who is coming in and out of these countries. Guevara said these measures will help reduce the dangers and extortion faced by Central Americans.

Guests: Ana Gabriela Guevara Espinosa, President, Comisión de Asuntos Migratorios del Senado de la República, Mexico, DF.


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