Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 11
PROGRAM # 9559 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Two years since the WHO declared Covid-19 a pandemic and as virtually all of Mexico has declared an epidemiological “green light” status for Covid-19, a news correspondent provides a report on Mexico’s opening of commercial venues and schools to public activities. Medical experts comment on their experience fighting in the frontlines of the pandemic, the challenges for hospitals in a country with high levels of comorbidities, the differing plans from state governments, and the widespread resistance to vaccinate the children.

Guests: Citlali Sáenz, News Correspondent, Mexico City; Dr. Samuel Ramos-Margarito, Expert on Critical Medicine and Intensive Care, Mexico City; Dr. Francisco Moreno, Intectiologist, Expert on Internal Medicine, Mexico City.

Photo: Rebeca Sanchez via Unsplash

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