Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4
PROGRAM # 9524 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

After receiving a number of death threats, Mexican journalist Roberto Toledo was killed in Michoacán, the fourth news professional to be executed in Mexico in one month. A news correspondent reports on this killing and on a renewed push by President López Obrador to pass major energy reform. In another topic: workers at the General Motors auto plant in Silao, Mexico, voted for a new, independent union to represent them in what is seen as the USMCA’s first major litmus test. A union leader of Maquiladora workers in Mexico’s northern border calls this an “exemplary outcome.” Finally, a Mexican human rights advocate talks about an in-depth report that reveals how, during this time of crisis and pandemic, greedy corporate moguls from pharma giants and other industries have become richer and called for reforming the tax system and progressively raising taxes on billionaires and redistributing wealth.

Guests: Citlali Sáenz, Correspondent, Mexico City; Rosario Moreno Delgado, Secretaria General, Sindicato Nacional Independiente de Trabajadores de Industrias y Servicios, Movimiento 20/32, Matamoros, Tams; Alexandra Haas, Executive Director, Oxfam México, Mexico City (Recorded Audio from Radio Educación).

Photo: Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador via facebook

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