Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, OCTOBER 15
PROGRAM # 9412 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition.

A distinguished Mexican economist comments on plans by the AMLO administration to overhaul Mexico’s power agency and the plans to regulate the mining of lithium, a mineral used in electric car batteries and often called the new gold. President López Obrador sent a bill to Congress to pass a constitutional reform in order to restructure the electricity sector and strengthen the role of the Federal Electricity Commission (CFE) as the leading power agency. The reforms include reintegration of the CFE, bringing the Energy Regulatory Commission (CRE) and the National Hydrocarbons Commission (CNH) into the fold of the Ministry of Energy (Sener), and exploitation of lithium is an exclusive activity of the Mexican State. In other news, a leader of mothers of the disappeared from the northern state of Sonora who staged a protest in Mexico City talks about the agreements reached with federal officials to get federal investigators to intervene in the search for the disappeared in Sonora and the recent murder of an activist mother and the death threats against the leader of the group.

Guests: Dr. Guadalupe Huerta Moreno, Professor Researcher, Department of Business Administration, Metropolitan Autonomous University-Azcapotzalco, Mexico City; Patricia Cecilia Flores Armenta, Founder and Leader, Madres Buscadoras de Sonora, Hermosillo, MX

Photo: blog.rockthetraveller

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