Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1
PROGRAM # 9398 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition.

This week, it’s been seven years since 43 students disappeared in the state of Guerrero. There are criminal proceedings against several suspects, including federal officials, but still no convictions. Analysts talk about the case, the works of the case’s Truth Commission, and Mexico’s requests to extradite a key suspect from Israel. A recognized human rights advocate greets the Truth Commission as an importan model open to affected parents and their legal advisors, and believes the AMLO government is moving forwardin the search for evidence and the investigation of the suspects. The parent of one of the 43 students, who emigrated to New York, questions the pace of the investigation, the political will, and the efforts to protect military officers. Listeners call in and engage in a debate on the integrity of the process.

Guests: Abel Barrera Hernández, Anthropologist, Founder and Director, Center for Human Rights of the Mountain Tlachinollan, Tlapa, Guerrero, Mexico; Antonio Tizapa, Father of Jose Antonio, One of the 43 Missing Students, Activist, Queens, NY.


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