Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24
PROGRAM # 9391 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition.

Mexican analysts comment on headline news developments in Mexico. This week, more than thirty presidents and ministers from around the continent met in Mexico City and reached agreement on issues such as creating a regional agency to regulate medicines and supply vaccines, developing a disaster fund to help mitigate the effects of climate change, launch a space agency, and called for the end of the US blockade against Cuba. Mexico is also urging to replace the OAS with a truly autonomous organization. A correspondent files a report on the agreements reached and the heated exchange of criticism between leaders of opposite ideologies. A political analyst provides perspective.

Guests: Citlali Saenz, Reporter, Mexico City; Luis Hernández Navarro, Director of the Op-Ed Section, La Jornada, Mexico City; (Audio Segments of Speech Before the United Nations) Marcelo Ebrard, Chancellor, Mexican Government, New York, NY.

Photo: México a través de una lente/Facebook

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