Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, AUGUST 13
PROGRAM # 9348 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition.

Mexico sued top US gunmakers and is seeking 10 billion in damages accusing them of playing a key role in arms trafficking across the border and fueling the bloodshed. The Mexican government says almost all the guns found in crime scenes come fom the US and that gun companies promote this illicit use of weapons through their marketing, or at the very least do nothing to prevent it. A news analyst sows doubts about the future of the lawsuit. On another topic: a news correspondent reports on the meeting between top officials of the Biden and AMLO administrations on migration, economic development, border closure and cooperation on the war on Covid. A Mexican immigration scholar discusses the serious impact of the border closure on communities on both sides of the border, says the relationship between Mexico and the US is moving into a new stage, where Mexico is cooperating as a border country, a retaining wall, to stop migrant flows, without clear mechanisms except the National Guard, and says that economic investments in Central America are guided by a labor approach, without paying attention to protection against violence or the rebuilding of the social fabric.

Guests: Citlali Saenz, Reporter, Mexico City; Juan Antonio Del Monte Madrigal, Professor/Investigator, Cultural Studies Department, El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, MX; Jesus Esquivel, Journalist, Proceso Magazine, Author of the Books “Los Narcos Gringos” and “La DEA en México,” Washington, DC.

Photo: Federación Internacional de Criminología y Criminalística/Facebook

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