Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, AUGUST 6
PROGRAM # 9341 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition.

Mexicans went to the polls this week to vote on a referendum to put former presidents on trial on charges of corruption, abuse of power, human rights violations and other serious crimes. While an overwhelming majority voted to prosecute them, the voter turnout was extremely low. A correspondent provides a report on the results. Participants in a symbolic polling place in California protest having been left out of the referendum. And a renowned expert on Mexican constitutional law evaluates the outcome and the state of current efforts against corruption, and discusses the impact on future referendums and the likely next steps.

Guests: Citlali Saenz, Reporter, Mexico City; Dr. Jaime Cárdenas, Researcher, Institute of Legal Research, UNAM, Former Councilmember, Instituto Federal Electoral, Mexico City; Two Participants, Voting Poll, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Yadira Marcos/Facebook

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