Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JULY 2
PROGRAM # 9306 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition: One Year of USMCA.

On the one-year anniversary of the USMCA, celebrations of the increased cross-trade have been overshadowed by disputes on labor irregularities between the US and Mexico. After Washington filed a complaint alleging labor violations against the right of free association and collective bargaining at auto plants in Silao and Matamoros, the Mexican government pivoted and complained that migrant agricultural workers in the US have been harmed by not being paid overtime and minimum wage, suffering lack of protection against the Covid and not having the right to negotiate a collective contract. Both invoke the USMCA and request that the complaints be investigated and resolved. Analysts on both sides of the border comment on the grievances and the new procedures in place, and coincide that this renewed scrutiny on labor laws may at the end benefit Mexican workers.

Guests: Citlali Sáenz, Reporter, Mexico City; Dr. Raul Hinojosa-Ojeda, Associate Professor, UCLA Department of Chicana and Chicano Studies, Executive Director, North American Integration and Development Center, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Attorney Carlos Ferrán Martínez, Founding Partner and Director, Ferrán Martínez Abogados, Expert on Labor Law, Mexico City.


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