Mexico Edition.

PROGRAM # 9299 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition.

The Yaqui tribe has been shaken by a series of attacks and disappearances against members of the community in northern Mexico, allegedly perpetrated by members of organized crime. The recent murder of Tomás Rojo, a prominent spokesperson of the movement for the historic rights to the water of the Yaqui River, has raised suspicions about a political motive. In this program, a renowned Yoeme leader dialogues with national human rights commissioner Rosario Piedra about the need to establish a regional module to better document and watch for human rights abuses. On other news, a reporter talks about the Biden administration decision to extend restrictions to non essential travels by land from Mexico until July, the impact of the year-long border closure on the economy of US border towns, and Mexico’s plans for a mass vaccination campaign along the border area in preparation for the reopening. Finally, the program includes a brief report about Vice President Kamala Harris’ visit to El Paso’s border facilities.

Guests: Rosario Piedra Ibarra, President, National Human Rights Commission, Mexico City; Mario Luna Romero, Spokesperson, Traditional Council of the Yaqui Tribe in Vícam, Founder, Namakasia Radio, Vicam, México; Maritza Félix, Reporter/Producer, Contacto Arizona, Nogales, Arizona.


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