PROGRAM # 9292 12:00 PM PDT
Mexico Edition.
During the recent mid-term elections, Mexican voters elected ten emigres to Mexico’s Congress for the first time in history. Some of them face legal challenges about their country of residence and their nationality. A Mexican federal elections official shares results of the races for migrant congressmembers and two newly-elected congressmembers comment about their plans for the new Congress and their mixed assessment about the electronic vote, the first time Mexicans abroad vote online.
Guests: Elvia Torres, Mexican Elected Congressmember, Movimiento Ciudadano Party, Chicago, IL; Alejandro Robles, Mexican Elected Congressmember, Morena Party, Toronto, Canadá; Patricio Ballados Villagómez, Executive Board Member, Prerrogativas y Partidos Políticos, Instituto Nacional Electoral, Mexico City.
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