Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MAY 14
PROGRAM # 9257 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition.

Mexico is heading to a major midterm election on June 6, the largest in the country’s history. The coronavirus pandemic, the economy and the violence are in many voters minds. What’s at stake for the nation? What reforms are impacting legislative races? How are Mexican emigres following the process? Representatives of different political forces discuss their views.

Guests: Jorge Mujica, Low Income and Immigrant Workers Organizer, Arise Chicago, MORENA’s alternate multi-member candidate in fifth place for the fourth constituency, Migrant from the state of Guanajuato, Chicago, IL; Jorge Arturo Garcia Rangel, Candidate PRI 1st constituency, originally from the state of Jalisco, business administrator, Los Angeles, CA; Salvador Pedroza, PAN Representative in Illinois, Chicago, IL; Paco Moreno, Executive Director, Council of Mexican Federations Abroad – COFEM, Los Angeles, CA


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