Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MAY 7
PROGRAM # 9250 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition.

On June 6, Mexicans will vote in the country’s midterm elections, the largest in national history. Analysts consulted by our partner radio station Radio Educación talk about the new modality of consecutive reelection for Mexico’s congressmembers, the public discussion about the benefits and challenges of the professionalization of legislators, how little the public knows about these new electoral laws, and the constitutional reforms promoted by the president to substantially change the electoral system. This program includes segments of historical archive interviews with Mexican General Francisco Gallardo, a renowned human rights advocate and former political prisoner who died this week from Covid-19.

Guests: (Audio segments) General Brigadier José Francisco Gallardo, Human Rights Advocate, Mexico City; Dra. Ileana Rendón Arias, Academic Researcher, Professor, UNAM, Mexico City; Victor Manuel Alarcón Holguín, Expert in Elections, UAM Iztapalapa, Mexico City; Dr. Nicolas Loza Otero, Social Scientist, Colegio de Mexico, Mexico City.


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