Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324(2)FRIDAY, APRIL 16
PROGRAM # 9229 12:00 PM PDT

Mexico Edition.

In an effort to control the high rates of child obesity and the alarming numbers of young people who have died of coronavirus in Mexico, state and federal legislators are introducing legislation to ban the sale of junk food in schools and to minors. A nutritionist and an agronomist discuss the issue and urge designing public policies that guarantee food security as well as to support the crops of maize, beans and amaranth, investments that at the same time generate employment and help cool the planet. They also invite the people to create alternative food nets in the community.

Guests: Julieta Ponce-Sánchez, Director, Department of Food and Nutrition, Centro de Orientación Alimentaria, Mexico City; Liza Maria Covantes Torres, Agricultural Engineer, Founding Member, Colectivo Zacahuitzco, Mexico City


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