Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324 9FRIDAY, APRIL 9
PROGRAM # 9222 12:00 PM PST

Mexico Edition.

The lawyer who filed a lawsuit against Mexico’s electoral authorities to establish the figure of a migrant congressmember in Mexican law gives details of his legal complaint. An emigrant activist for the vote of Mexicans abroad comments on the issue and also talks about how several of the current candidates who run as “diputados migrantes” (“migrant congressmembers”) do not really reside abroad and are unaware of the reality of the emigrant. He also talks about the efforts to get Mexicans living abroad be an integral part of the political life in Mexico.

Guests: Cesar Michel, lawyer in a lawsuit for migrant representation, Los Angeles, CA; Paco Moreno, Mexican activist for the right to vote and representation abroad, Los Angeles, CA.


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