Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 5
PROGRAM # 9187 12:00 PM PST

Mexico Edition.

For the first time, Mexican emigres from the state of Guerrero will be able to vote this year for state governor, but few know about it. Election officials are reaching out to get thousands of eligible voters to register by next week. Also, the father of two young musicians slain in Mexico is seeking help from the US and Mexican government to get to the bottom of the case. He also talks about his dream of establishing an endowment in memory of his late sons to help disadvantaged kids to pursue a career in music. Finally, a well-known US journalist talks about his new book, a collection of articles on major news developments in Latin America during the last decade, including the rise of Donald Trump and like-minded right-wing populists in Latin America, and the ups and downs of the Democratic left.

Guests: Vicenta Molina Revuelta, President, Special Commission for the Vote of Guerrero Citizens Living Abroad, Electoral and Citizen Participation Institute of the State of Guerrero; Fernando Eloy Baños, Master Musician, Father of Artists Slain in Mexico, Bakersfield, CA; (Recorded Interview) Jon Lee Anderson, Investigative Journalist and Writer, Author of “Los Años de la Espiral,” Mexico City.


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