Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 5
PROGRAM # 9161 12:00 PM PST

Mexico Edition.

Mexico’s Covid death toll is now the third highest in the world. An eminent Mexican expert discusses the spread of Covid in the country, including Mexico’s Covid testing efforts, hospitalizations, vaccination plans, and other emergency measures, as well as the state of Mexico’s health care system. Also, despite the pandemic crisis, Mexican migrants sent home a record $40 billion in remittances in 2020, prompting the Mexican president to hail the importance of these bail out funds. And a folk music maestro who lives in California reports the murder of his sons, distinguished musicians, by suspected members of organized crime while they were in their native land in Oaxaca documenting their Afro-Oaxacan culture.

Guests: Dr. Samuel Ponce de Leon, Coordinator, Commission to Respond to the Covid-19 Epidemic, UNAM, Mexico City; Fernando Eloy Banis, Director and Founder, Los Hijos de la Banda, Father of Murdered Musicians, Bakersfield, CA; (Audio Segments) Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of México, Mexico City.

Photo: Mexicanos viviendo en Lima y en el Perú/Facebook

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