Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JANUARY 22
PROGRAM # 9151 12:00 PM PST

Mexico Edition.

After saying that the US “fabricated” drug trafficking charges against former chief of Defense, general Salvador Cienfuegos, the Mexican government released the files of the case. A well known advocate for reforms in Mexico’s armed forces examines the files and comments on Mexico’s decision to exonerate Cienfuegos. He says the decision has political, but not judicial value, politics overcomes justice, and warns about the growing influence of the Army in Mexican society. A medical expert also comments on the fast spread of coronavirus around Mexico, the hospitals filled to capacity, and the limited availability of Covid tests. “The health system’s capacity has expanded, but the crisis has overwhelmed the system,” he says.

Guests: Gen. José Francisco Gallardo, Brigadier General of the Mexican Army, Scholar and Human Rights Activist, Mexico City; Dr. Ernesto Sánchez Camargo, Retired Physician, Former Coordinator of National Public Health Programs, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Mexico City.

Photo: México/Twitter

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