Mexico Edition. Mexico Bans Transgenic Corn and Major Herbicide. Cienfuegos Exonerated.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JANUARY 15
PROGRAM # 9146 12:00 PM PST

Mexico Edition.

Mexicans living abroad could cast their vote online in this year’s midterm elections after voting for almost 15 years by mail. This year, Mexico will hold 13 gubernatorial races and hundreds of congressional races. Eight of the states in which a new governor will be elected allow voting from abroad, including Michoacán, Colima, Zacatecas and Nayarit. The online voting system will be tested and assessed to be extended to the 2024 presidential election. The liaison with Mexican emigres also comments on a renewed program to report extorsions and bribes against migrants, the plans to restart efforts to help families and communities to invest US remittances, and the reported neglect on returned families and unocumented migrants in need of legal aid.

Guests: Luis Gutiérrez Reyes, Director, Instituto de los Mexicanos en el Exterior, Ciudad de México;

Mexico Bans Transgenic Corn and Major Herbicide. Under a presidential order, Mexico bans transgenic corn and the herbicide glyphosphate. The ban will be gradually completed by 2024. Glyphosphate, which is believed to harm human health and the environment, must be replaced with alternatives that are safe for human health and biocultural diversity, including organic products, according to the decree. A top official of Mexico’s environmental agency discusses the order’s ramifications.

Guest: Mtra. Adelita SanVicente, Executive Director, Department of Primary Sector and Renewable Natural Resources, Secretaría del Medio Ambiente – SEMARNAT, Mexico City

Cienfuegos Exonerated. Mexico’s Attorney General exonerated Gen. Salvador Cienfuegos, the former Secretary of Defense who was arrested in the US over drug trafficking and money laundering. President López Obrador supported the decision and said the US Drug Control Administration “fabricated” the charges.

Guest: (Audio Segments) Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of México, Morning News Conference, México City.


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