Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324(2)FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 25
PROGRAM #9018 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Six years ago, 43 students from Ayotzinapa College disappeared in the Mexican town of Iguala after being attacked by federal, state and local police. This mass kidnapping has become a symbol of police violence and impunity. The current López Obrador administration created a special commission, named a special prosecutor to hold a new inquiry and correct the flawed official investigation. In their quest for truth and justice, parents from Ayotzinapa are attending virtual events convened from several cities in the US.

Guests: Felipe de la Cruz, activist; Antonio Tizapa, plomero de profesión, y handyman; hace una vigilia-protesta cada día 26 de mes, desde el finales de 2014, organiza la Carrera Running for Ayotzinapa 43, que se replica en varios lugares, Queens, NY; Juan Jose Bocanegra, Activist, Seattle, WA


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