Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324(2)FRIDAY, AUGUST 28
PROGRAM # 8990 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

This program features highlights from President Trump’s acceptance speech at the RNC the night before, including his self-praise of the new free trade agreement with Mexico and Canada and the building of his border wall, and his warnings about “a radical movement of violent and anarchist agitators.” Guest analysts comment on Trump’s campaign rhetoric and the policies of the Trump administration that have impacted Mexico, the Mexico-US border, Cuba, Central America, and other Latin American countries. They also comment on how Mexicans see the US presidential election.

Guests: Laura Carlsen, Director, Americas Program, Center for International Policy, Mexico City; David Brooks, US Correspondent, La Jornada, New York, NY; (Recorded and Translated Segments) President Donald Trump, Presidential Republican Candidate, Washington, DC.


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