Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324(1)FRIDAY, JULY 24
PROGRAM # 8955 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

In this collaboration, Martha Elena Ramírez host of the Voz Pública program in Mexico City, talks with a top expert on national and public security about the recent armed attack against Omar García, Mexico City’s head of security, and about proposed reforms to Mexico’s intelligence system. On other interview, an advocate for families of the disappeared talks about the policies, budget and agencies that rule the search for the disappeared and justice for their families. This program repeat also includes an interview about the release of border activist Susana Prieto Terrazas, a well known Maquila labor lawyer whose detention in the northern state of Tamaulipas has been widely protested. This is a program repeat.

Guests: Gen. José Francisco Gallardo, University Professor and Human Rights Activist, Mexico City; Valentina Peralta Puga, Coordinator, Red Eslabones por los Derechos Humanos, Former Member Movimiento de Paz por Justicia y Dignidad, Mexico City; Alina Guillén, Spokesperson, Movimiento 20/32, Ciudad Victoria, Tams, MX.


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