Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324(5)FRIDAY, APRIL 24
PROGRAM # 8865 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

A retired national public health leader in Mexico says that despite chronic inadequacies in medical infrastructure, he is optimistic that the pandemic will be contained because he says the Mexican government’s actions were appropriate and timely. In addition, he warnsMexican authorities about the danger of Covid-19 spreading to the most remote rural areas, where health infrastructure is poor and control is more difficult, and he calls to mobilize bilingual health brigades for a massive prevention campaign. He also warns of disinformation campaigns motivated by obscure political interests, which seek to discredit the health authorities and the government, spread panic, and provoke attacks against medical personnel. In more news, a radio leader from Sonora reports that 32 doctors and nurses in San Luis Rio Colorado, epicenter of the pandemic in the state, have tested positive for Covid-19, and a mother who died in the region had been infected by her daughter who was visiting from the border, and the talks about the urgent need for more awareness in the local communities since many locals are not abiding by the social distancing rules. And a radio leader from Oaxaca reports on the first death in the Mixteca region of a young member of the medical staff of a recently opened hospital, now urgently converted into a Covid-19 control center. Both offer messages about the Covid-19 in the Mixtec and Mayo languages.

Guests: Dr. Ernesto Sánchez Camargo, Retired Physician, Former Coordinator of National Public Health Programs, Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, Mexico City; Rita Amarillas Anguamea, Director, XEETCH – La Voz de los Tres Ríos, Etchojoa, Sonora; Melchor Baltazar Garcia Lopez, Director, XETLA – La Voz de la Mixteca, Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca


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