Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324(1)FRIDAY, MARCH 27
PROGRAM # 8841 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

A veteran human rights advocate reports on how the partial closing of the Tijuana-San Diego border in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has brought crossings to a minimum and in consequence sales have dramatically dropped in stores in San Diego. Tourism in Tijuana has collapsed and the previously crowded Avenida Revolución is today is deserted. The maquiladoras work at reduced capacity and their workers have been left semi-unemployed and unprotected and now they are struggling to survive with less income in this expensive, “dollarized” border area. The same is true of street vendors who are unemployed today because the border port is desolate. The crossing of migrants has reduced to a trickle and, without customers, “coyotes” are now unemployed. A lawyer also talks about the disruption of the processes in the immigration courts and about the continuation of dangerous operations of ICE, whose agents enter to arrest people in the houses where they are self-isolating to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. On other news, in Mexico City, a mental health leader warns about the wave of incidents of domestic violence that the new situation of stress and Stay-at-Home orders can cause, and the head of the women’s agency urges men to show solidarity and sharing work at home and caring for children because those involved in domestic work have been shown to be less violent, and then urges families to show support for health workers and domestic workers. Finally, President López Obrador assured that the epidemic is under control, explains the containment preparations and gives recommendations.

Guests: Victor Clark Alfaro, Director, Binational Center for Human Rights, Tijuana, Professor of Border Studies, California State University San Diego, Tijuana, MX; attorney Dulce García, Director, Angeles de la Frontera, San Diego, CA; (audio segments) Lorena Rodríguez Boris, National Secretary, National Council of Mental Health, Mexico City; Nadine Gasman Zylbermann, President, National Institute for Women, Mexico City; Beatriz Gutiérrez Müller, Wife of President López Obrador, Mexico City; Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of México, Mexico City.

Photo: México a través de una lente/Facebook

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