Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 6
PROGRAM # 8823 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Since 1992 the National Water Law was changed to convert the flow of rivers, basins and lagoons into a commodity. It was with Carlos Salinas Gortari, Felipe Calderón y Enrique Peña Nieto, that mining, agro-export, soda, brewery, and shipbuilding companies took over 70 percent of the country’s water, ignoring the rights of communities and indigenous peoples. Today, only five percent of these companies pay rights for the use of water and 6 thousand of them have been denounced for contaminating the soil and groundwater with toxic waste. Likewise, 36 million Mexicans have water in their homes only three times a week, and annually spend 70 billion pesos in bottled water, or in trucks. In response to this issue, the organization Agua para Todos, farmer groups, scholars and citizens wrote a Citizen Law of National Waters, which has been backed by legislators of the Morena party, and is about to be discussed in Mexico’s congress. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this program from Mexico City.

Guest: (recorded interview) Elena Burs, activist of the organization Agua para todos, Agua para la Vida, Mexico City.

Photo: México a través de una lente/Facebook

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