Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 14
PROGRAM # 8804 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

After the arrest in Spain of the former director of Pemex, Emilio Ricardo Lozoya Austin, President López Obrador reiterated his refusal to prosecute former presidents in Mexico to avoid distracting resources from his government. Lozoya is accused of criminal association, money laundering and improper exercise of public service. In addition, in Brazilian courts it was revealed that he managed donations for 10 million dollars to the campaign of former President Enrique Peña Nieto, in exchange for construction contracts for the Odebrecht company. Lozoya’s lawyer challenged the Mexican authorities to have the investigations reach the highest level, and said: “Emilio was not acting alone.” On another topic, Foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrard reports that Mexico has reduced the crossing of Central American people to the United States by 74 percent and that, as a result of the orderly migration plan, more than 6,000 migrants have been employed in the southeast of the country. He informed that Mexicans seeking asylum in the United States are supported to protect themselves in Mexico, as the US government chose to send them to Guatemala. On another story, farmer groups warn that plans to reform the habeas corpus law are geared to favor the development of megaprojects that affect towns and communities. Martha Elena Ramírez host this program from Mexico City.

Guests: (fragments of audio recordings) Javier Coello Trejo, Defense Lawyer for Emilio Lozoya Austin, Interview with Grupo Milenio Televisión y Noticieros Televisa, Mexico City; Jesús Gutierrez, Spokesman of Coordinatora Plan de Ayala, Mexico City; Marcelo Ebrard Casaubón, Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico, Mexico City.

Photo: México a través de una lente/Facebook

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