Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JANUARY 3
PROGRAM # 8774 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Línea Abierta airs a program of the weekly series “Aprendiendo de Equidad en Familia”. In this program, prominent human rights advocates speak of the gap of inequality between women and men who are behind bars and the conditions of invisibility and the critical lack of laws and programs to facilitate social reintegration of women prisoners. The program is hosted by José Angel Domínguez of Radio Educación and Rocío Corral, from Margarita Magón Women’s Support Center.

Guests: Angela Guerrero Alcántara, Senior Public Policy Officer, Equis Justicia para las Mujeres, Mexico City; Beatriz Maldonado, former prisoner, member of Red de Mujeres por la Libertad, Mexico City.

Photo: México a través de una lente/Facebook

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