Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13
PROGRAM # 8759 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

The Mexico City Congress awarded the Human Rights Defenders Medal of Merit this week to the group Asociación Civil Espacio Libre Independiente Marabunta. “The Marabuntas” were gang members in the eighties who in the Gabriel Hernández neighborhood used to play guitar, inhale drugs and steal passengers and bus drivers. It was the time when young rebels throughout the city formed urban gangs that faced each other to reaffirm their territory and identity. Thirty-four years later, “The Marabuntas” are a group of men and women, former punketos, who advocate for human rights. During protest marches, they form protective barriers by entwining their arms to avoid the clash between police and protesters, provide first aid to those beaten and injured, and record the action of the security forces on video, to inhibit the arbitrary detentions and the fabrication of charges. Martha Elena Ramírez contributes to Línea Abierta with Voz Pública from Mexico City.

Guest: Amado Miguel Barrera Rocha, Coordinator, Asociación Civil Espacio Libre Independiente Marabunta, Mexico City.

Photo: Gobierno de la Ciudad de México/Facebook

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