Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, DECEMBER 6
PROGRAM # 8754 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

As promised when he was inaugurated, Andrés Manuel López Obrador has distributed billions of pesos through various social assistance programs during the first year of government. It is the social justice driven by the Fourth Transformation, which benefits students of all levels, 930 thousand job trainees, 790 thousand disabled people, 10 million elderly people, the indigenous population, and more than 2 million farmers and small growers. At the same time, the López Obrador administration reformed laws to avoid the tax giveaway to big corporations; freed workers from the union monopoly and codified theft of oil and electoral fraud as serious crimes. In addition, it extended the political rights of the citizens, by facilitating public consultations, including the revocation of mandate and allowing the nation’s president to be impeached. After recognizing that there has been no economic growth, President López Obrador, clarified that economic inequality has been reduced and taxes have not been increased, nor the price of fuels, nor has the country debt increased. He said that this year the groundwork has been laid for change to be irreversible and prevent the government from promoting predatory contracts, abandonment of young people, racism, contempt for the poor and the “kill them on the spot” policy. Martha Elena Ramírez is the host of Voz Publica in Mexico City.

Guest: (Audio Segments) Andrés Manuel López Obrador, Constitutional President of the United Mexican States, State of the Union, Mexico City.


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