Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 29
PROGRAM # 8749 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Renowned historian Alvaro Ochoa Serrano, speaking about his book “Afro-descendants,” explores the Black cultural heritage in western Mexico, currently present in the blood of distinguished families such as the Cárdenas and in the deep-rooted traditions of fandangos and mariachis. He also talks about how the segregationist caste system of the Spanish Colony gave way to an Afro-Mexican community with rights, but not free from discrimination and racial prejudice. Finally, Ochoa Serrano gives his opinion on the recent and historic constitutional reform that, after more than 30 years of public efforts, recognizes the fundamental rights of the two million Afro-descendants living in Mexico.

Guest: Álvaro Ochoa Serrano, Historian, Afromexicanologist, Colegio de Michoacán; Author of the book “Afrodescendientes”, Fresno, CA.

Photo: Unión México/Facebook

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