Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25
PROGRAM # 8724 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

While Mexico has announced plans to welcome Mexicans who are forcibly returned to their birth country and Mexico City declared itself a Sanctuary City, Mexican returnees continue facing huge barriers for reintegration, including challenges to find employment, housing and new ID documents. An advocate for Mexican deportees and returnees joins this program to talk about their efforts to support deported families who often end up separated and their calls on the Mexican government to include returnees in its agenda. Listeners call in to comment on this topic and on the recent and massive gun battle in Culiacán, welcoming the fact that the fight didn’t escalate into a major bloodshed.

Guest: Esmeralda Flores Marcial, Accompaniment and Advocacy Coordinator, Otros Dreams en Acción, Ciudad de México.


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