Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 13
PROGRAM # 8694 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Three months after Mexico agreed to receive migrants who seek asylum in the United States, the border cities of Tamaulipas are crammed with migrants from Central America, Cuba and Venezuela, the organization Doctors Without Borders reported. And although the Mexican government promised to treat with dignity those who have been arrested, hundreds of them sleep on the streets, they lack sanitary services and legal assistance. And now the US Supreme Court will allow the Trump administration to temporarily suppress asylum requests and expedite deportations. On another topic, it is reported about the execution of eight people, who were allegedly killed by police officers in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas. On another story, request for nine Tzeltal Indians, who are imprisoned in Chiapas with sentences of more than 30 years; the petitioners report that there is no evidence against them. Martha Elena Ramírez, hosts this program from Mexico City.

Guests: (recorded interview) Anayeli Flores, member of the Mexico Border program, of the organization Doctors Without Borders, Mexico City; (audio segments) Lucía Pérez Marín and Yoni Ricardo Velasco Gómez, Members of Indigenous Communities; Alberto Patishtán, Coordinator of Solidarios La Voz del Amate; Roberto Paciencia Cruz, collective for the release of prisoners, Community of Mapepentic, Municipality of Chenalhó; María Fernanda López Juárez y Raquel, Mexican Residents Surveyed in Mexico City.

Photo: Gobierno de la Ciudad de México/Facebook

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