Mexico Edition.

Friday 30_673x324FRIDAY, AUGUST 30
PROGRAM # 8684 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

A Kenya-born athlete who naturalized Mexican citizen gave Mexico a top medal at this year’s Pan American Games in Lima, but according to reports in her new country, Mexico, her feat was not as celebrated as the others. How is life for African immigrants who decide to stay in Mexico? How founded are the reports about hostility, rejection and discrimination against migrants and Blacks in Mexico? This program also includes a conversation with a Haitian immigrant who made Tijuana his new home. He talks about the presence of Haitians in Tijuana and his turbulent journey through ten countries to arrive at this international border, experience that he narrates in a recent book.

Guests: Dra. Araceli Almaraz, Social Researcher, Departamento de Estudios Sociales, Colegio de la Frontera Norte, Tijuana, MX; Ustin Pascal Dubuisson, Haitian-Mexican Immigrant, Author of: Sobrevivientes. Ciudadanos del mundo Pompano Beach, FL; Risper Biyaki Gesabwa, Kenian-Mexican Athlete, Zacatecas, MX.


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