Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, AUGUST 16
PROGRAM # 8674 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

A farmer activist said the plan to plant one million fruit and timber trees in two years is not realistic, as proposed in Mexico’s government program Sembrando Vida. He said that in order to receive the 5,000 pesos a month that the participants are promised, many people have already begun to deforest their lands, impacting the ecosystems. He also indicated that the growing of seedlings is carried out by the Mexican army in mega-nurseries, leaving out regional producers, and that by allocating 80 percent of the resources to that project, the budget for fighting forest fires has been trimmed down. He said that there are not enough seedlings to plant 500 thousand hectares, because they must be prepared a year before, in addition to the fact that the rhythm of plantations, in Mexico is 20 thousand hectares per year. In another news, the host reports the story about the diversion of more than 5 billion pesos from the budget of the Ministry of Social Development, was informed to President Enrique Peña and former PRI candidate and former head of the Treasury José Antonio Meade, said Rosario Robles during the court hearing in which she was ordered detained under the charge of “improper exercise of public service.” The judge called on the former head of Social Development to prove her assertion, because if so, both former highest officials would have committed the crime of cover-up. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this broadcast from Mexico City.

Guest: (recorded interview) Gustavo Sánchez, President, Red Mexicana de Organizaciones Campesinas Forestales AC, Mexico City.

Photo: Turismo Ciudad de México/Facebook

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