Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, AUGUST 2
PROGRAM # 8664 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

The laws of political asylum and migration of the United States have become a farce, since in addition to 97 percent of the applications being rejected, the policies of “accelerated removal” once established in the border area during the administration of President Clinton have now been extended to the entire nation, said lawyer Carlos Spector-Calderón, a specialist in cases of political asylum. As an example, the lawyer cites the cases of two activists whom he defends, and who were denied their asylum request, despite the fact that one of them is a survivor of a massacre carried out by the military in the Maya-Ixil community in 1982 in Guatemala, and the other is a Guatemalan environmentalist. On another issue, a senior agency official in charge of the affairs of indigenous peoples of Mexico calls on migrant Indians from California to a forum in Los Angeles in order to discuss the proposed reforms to the constitution to recognize Indigenous and Afro-Mexican peoples as subjects of public rights. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this program from Mexico City.

Guests: Carlos Spector-Calderón, Lawyer, Expert on Political Asylum for Mexicans, El Paso, Texas; Saúl Vicente, director of International Affairs of the National Institute of Indigenous Peoples, Los Angeles, CA

Photo: Turismo Ciudad de México/Facebook

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