Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JULY 26
PROGRAM # 8659 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

A subsidiary in Guaymas of Grupo México, the largest mining consortium in the country, spilled thousands of liters of toxic sulfuric acid in the waters of the Gulf of California five years after the same company was responsible for a tragedy called “the worst environmental disaster of the mining industry of modern times,” when a number of communities along the Sonora river basin were seriously contaminated. Experts comment about the investigation of the toxic spill in the port of Guaymas, discuss the company’s dubious environmental record, the lack of remediation of the damage in the towns along the Sonora river banks and the efforts to pass new laws that impose greater supervision on the mining industry.

Guests: Fernanda Hopenhaym, Co-Executive Director, PODER, Mexico City; Dr. Hector Vega, Anthropologist, Environmental Science Specialist, Universidad de Sonora, Hermosillo, Son, MX.


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