Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JULY 12
PROGRAM # 8649 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Through an exhaustive investigation documenting the take over by organized crime of Pemex, Mexico’s oil company, during the Fox and Calderón administrations, a distinguished journalist reveals the creation of the “black cartel,” a voracious mafia that used corrupted networks to loot Pemex. In her most recent book, the journalist reports how a recent energy reform gave Pemex to a few and dismantled the Mexican oil industry. Her journalistic work has earned awards from her peers, as well as persecution and exile. This program is part of the Voz Pública radio series.

Guest: Ana Lilia Pérez, award-winning journalist, author of the books “El Cártel Negro” and “PEMEX RIP: Visa y Asesinato de la Principal Empresa Mexicana”, Mexico City.


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