Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, JULY 5
PROGRAM # 8644 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

According to a map prepared by the organizations GeoComunes and the Mexican Council for Sustainable Silviculture, in the last 35 years, in the Yucatan Peninsula, the expansion of hotel zones, agro-industry and the building of wind farms has been promoted. All the infrastructure of these foreign capital businesses was set up on ejidal and communal lands of the millenary Maya people. Today, with the construction of the so-called Mayan train, the real estate market will also be strengthened, since at the same time as the railway stations, 15 urban zones will be created with about 50 thousand inhabitants each. Today, without contracts, the obradorista government offers the ejidatarios to make them partners in exchange for the donation of their lands, and also to sell them, because if they do not, they will be expropriated, as alleged by locval activists. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this Voz Pública program from Mexico City.

Guests: Pedro Uc, Municipality of Buctzoctz, Yucatán. Assembly of Defenders of the Mayan People; (Recorded interviews) Ángel Sulub Santos, Ucuchek Community Center Ibalón, which means, “place of our ancestors”, located in the municipality of Felipe Carrillo Puerto, Quintana Roo.


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