Mexico Edition.


Given the refusal of citizen self-defense groups to put down their weapons after they were able to expel the Knights Templar cartel from several municipalities in Michoacán, President Enrique Peña Nieto offered to integrate them into the police. Since armed citizen groups surrounded Apatzingán, the federal government sent soldiers to the state and disbanded hundreds of municipal police. However, the government has not yet detained leaders of the Knights Templar, a condition that self-defense groups set in order to give up their weapons and return to their communities. Martha Elena Ramírez hosts this edition from Mexico City.

Guests: (Recordings) José Manuel Mireles, member of the Citizen Council for Self-Defense of Tepalcatepec; Ricardo Mejía Berdeja, Congressman (Partido de la Revolución Democrática); David Monreal, Senator (Partido del Trabajo).

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