Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 29
PROGRAM # 8574 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

Mexican officials are holding public forums in Mexican enclaves around the US to gather ideas from émigrés about the Mexico’s national development plan. Ideas discussed include plans to support those who are being deported or return to their homeland. This program also includes a debate about President López Obrador’s first 100 days in office. While supporters greet AMLO’s aggressive measures to eradicate corruption, critics talk about the undermining of democratic checks and balances.

Guests: Adriana Argaiz, Consul for Community Affairs , Mexican Consulate of Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA; Francisco Moreno, primera y segunda generación del Concejo Consultivo del IME, Los Angeles, CA; Ismael Cortez, Host and Reporter, La Voz de San Joaquin, Stockton, CA.


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