Mexico Edition.

Friday_673x324FRIDAY, MARCH 15
PROGRAM # 8564 12:00 PM PT

Mexico Edition.

The Fourth Transformation has not arrived in Chiapas, say activists and students, who remain in a sit-in outside Mexico’s National Palace. The members of the Independent Regional Peasant Movement ask for punishment for the murderers of Noé Jiménez Pablo, who was shot while performing a sit-in outside the City Hall of Amatán, Chiapas. The social leader challenged the political leadership of the brothers Carpio Mayorga, who for the fourth time would take power in that town, and according to the activists it cost him his life. On the other hand, students from the Normal Rural School of Mactumactzá, request the official restitution of the boarding school system, which was dismantled in 2003 by the then governor Pablo Salazar Mendiguchía, who demolished the dormitories and reduced the school enrollment. Also, students of the Intercultural Bilingual Normal, Jacinto Canek, based in Zinacantán, ask the federal government for guarantees to return to their classrooms, after they were repressed in September 2018 by the then governor Manuel Velasco. All the protesters indicate that they request the help of López Obrador, given the lack of response from the current governor Rutilo Escandón. Martha Elena Ramírez, hosts this broadcast of the Voz Pública program, from Mexico City.

Guests: (recordings) Arturo Bernal, Independent Regional Peasant Movement, Amatán, Chiapas; Students from the Mactumactzá Rural Normal School, Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas; José, spokesman of the Normal Indigenous School, Intercultural Bilingual, Jacinto Canek, Zinacantán, Chiapas. Interviewed in front of the National Palace, Mexico City.

Photo: Turismo Ciudad de México/Facebook

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